Voting Information

The proponents of the referendum will be setting the dates and locations for the voting to be held, establish voter registration procedures, conduct the voter registration as well as conduct the actual voting. The Commission will review the proposed procedures and offer suggestions on how to improve the process in order to ensure the voting is free, fair, and transparent as possible. The Commission will also work with the proponents of the referendum to create a transparent and secure method for the Commission to tabulate the results and independently announce them once the voting has been completed in its entirety.

Upon the completion of the voting, the Commission will issue a report reviewing how the voting was conducted and how it compares to votes on similar referendums.

Additional cities and voting locations will be added as they are designated by the proponents of the referendum. The Commission is not responsible for the selection of voting locations, voter registration requirements, or dates of the voting. Any questions regarding voting locations, voting dates or request for information on the issue of the referendum or Sikhs for Justice should be directed to the proponents of the referendum at